OKC Reunion - Nov. 14, 2013


The following is a note received from Nancy Smith concerning a lunch in OKC.

I received an e-mail from Sue Scholz that she is living in Perry, and was going to be moving to Colorado soon. She
suggested we have lunch. I, in my great and invent wisdom, decided to invite a few of the ladies that I knew lived in the
OKC area. We have chosen a nice lunch on the 14th at, where else, “Johnnies” on 33rd in Edmond for a meeting place,
11:30 is the time. Since you have the ability to send this to all. Go for it, we just need to make sure they will have enough
room for all of us. That is, if more want to come. All are welcome. So looking forward to this. Thanks Nancy (Smith)


Left to Right:  Hala Stout (Rogers), Nancy Smith (Putnam), Sue Stewart (Scholz), Joyce Walton