DFW Reunion Dinner held on Nov. 16, 2013 was held at Terry and Karen Head's
home in Fairview, Texas.
Terry and Karen provided ribs and brisket. Everyone else brought a side dish.
We had a great time.
David Graham recently moved to Texas, just south of Dallas, so he is a new addition
to the DFW group.
All names are left to right in the pictures.
Below: Troy Garis, David Graham, Karen Head, Paula McCarty (Holman), (behind Karen),
Linda Rae Ricks (Patterson).
Below: Larry Patterson (Linda Rae's husband), Gene Holman, Terry Head, Troy Garis, Linda Rae Ricks (Patterson)
Below: Virginia Laughlin (Garis), Sandy Brumfield (Nichols)
Below: Karen Head (Terry's wife).
Below: Terry Head, David Graham, Troy Garis, Paula McCarty (Holman)
Below: Bill Nichols (Sandy Brumfield's husband), Virginia Laughlin (Garis)
Below: David Graham for the first time at a DFW reunion, Troy Garis, Gene Holman
Below: Looks like we did some damage to the ribs and brisket!
Below: Leon DeSpain, Virginia Laughlin (Garis), Paula McCarty (Holman), Terry Head
Below: I usually manage to catch Paula taking a bite.
Bill Nichols (Sandy Brumfield's husband) seems very focused on eating...it was justified!
Below: The damage Gene Holman did to his plate.