74 N. Windsail Pl. The Woodlands, TX 77381 281-364-9652

Wife: Gloria Hallmark Johnson (class of ‘59) Children: Son Eric and daughter Janet Education:
Oklahoma State University: BS Physics, MBA
Gloria Hallmark and I met in Miss Snell’s Classen
Latin class, and were married in 1965, after Gloria finished her Masters in Biology and I was a semester
away from my MBA. My professional career began later in 1965 at Humble Oil Refinery in Baytown, Texas.
I spent a year doing technical and process control computing and then spent two years in the Army as
supply officer in a nuclear weapons battalion in Korea. In 1968, I returned to Humble Oil (a part of
what later became Exxon). I also played 1st chair clarinet for 10 years in a local symphony until Exxon
job-related travel made such participation impractical. My 36-year Exxon career saw me based in Houston,
NYC, New Jersey, and then again in Houston. Most of my efforts were in computing. In the early 1980’s,
I opened the first Exxon end-user computing support center and implemented Exxon’s corporate EMail system.
During the last five years with Exxon, I served as a sr. corporate projects manager and sr. computing
architect (meaning that I prognosticated about how Exxon would use computers in the future).
and I live in The Woodlands, TX, north of Houston. In retirement I serve as the head verger in the local
Episcopal Church and as president of the Vergers’ Guild for the Episcopal Diocese of Texas. I am a certified
master gardener, doing volunteer work for the county, and I remain an active photographer, although now
with a “digital” darkroom. Of course I also play with computers. Our son, Eric, has degrees in Math,
Computer Science and an MBA, and is a project manager for a software firm. Our daughter, Janet, has
her PhD in political science, speaks fluent Russian, and is an assistant professor at Brooklyn College.
We greatly enjoy our two young grandsons, and we do a lot of traveling to points around the world.
--July 2005
